The Centre

InteRRaCt is a collaborative research lab that uses an interdisciplinary and developmental approach in order to study personality and individual differences. We focus on dark personality traits their assessment, their development and their association with important life outcomes.


In July 2017, Dr. Kostas Papageorgiou founded InteRRaCt Lab that is characterised by the following ethos:

  1. To facilitate the interaction among researchers, who conduct interdisciplinary and/or developmental work in the areas of personality and individual differences with a particular focus on dark traits.
  2. To contribute actively to the production and dissemination of knowledge in personality and individual differences focusing on exploring the contextually adaptive aspects of dark personalities.
  3. To engage with, invest in, and train students of all levels in order to provide the support they need in developing their confidence and motivation to ensure their progress into sustainable academic careers.


The meaning of the lab’s name is twofold: Firstly, to highlight the lab’s target, that is to investigate how personality traits interact to contribute to various outcomes. Secondly, to emphasise the necessity of constructive, multidisciplinary, scientific interaction among researchers in order to shed light on the process through which personality traits come together to impact on individuals’ life outcomes. Considering the Lab’s name and mission, the letter “X” often used to denote interactions is prominent in our logo.

The double arrow and the hourglass in the logo represent, time, emphasising on the importance of bridging the gap between research on individual differences and developmental research.

The smaller circle (one might want to imaging it moving around the periphery of the larger circle) represent the ever-present scientific exploration of the factors that contribute to individual differences in personality.
