Welcome to InteRRaCt Centre
Interdisciplinary Research in Resilience and Cognition Centre

Who we are
InteRRaCt Centre was established in July 2017 and it is based within the Trauma & Mental Health Group in the School of Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast, where the Director Dr. Kostas A. Papageorgiou, is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor).
Our work is interdisciplinary exploring personality and individual differences, with a particular focus on dark personality traits, their development, their assessment and their association with individuals’ resilience, psychopathology and cognition across cultures.
Click here to find out more about InteRRaCt’s research focus
We actively collaborate with academics, worldwide, and we are always looking to expand our network!
So do InteRRaCt with us, if you are interested in collaborative research, a research visit to the lab or in working with us to organise a research-related activity (e.g. a seminar, a symposium or a conference).
InteRRaCt offers a number of research placements for undergraduate and graduate students, who want to obtain research experience before undertaking a doctoral degree. Whether you are a student at Queen’s University Belfast or in another university contact us to discuss your involvement in the Centre. Finally, get in touch if you want to explore opportunities for undertaking a PhD in the InteRRaCt Centre.